Paul Semmes, PE, GCG

Director of Engineering

Paul’s History

Professional Engineer with demonstrated experience managing and executing Professional Engineering services, Architectural & Engineering (AE) professional services, Building Construction services as well as Federal AE and Building Construction contracts. Experience gained with forensic inspection and evaluation; hands-on structural engineering analysis and design; building envelope consultation; expert witness; methodology and skills development; overall project supervision and management; business development; staffing and resource management; outsourcing; and profit and loss management.

Paul & Team Complete

Paul R Semmes, PE, CGC, leads our engineering department with 40 years of Florida condo experience planning, inspecting, and consulting on structural and forensic engineering projects. Paul holds professional engineering and general contracting licenses in many states throughout the Southeast and Gulf Coast, as well as the Florida Recognized Structrual Engineer (FRSE) designation which qualifies him to perform both Building Safety Inspection Program (BSIP) and Miami-Dade inspections.